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Holz Prof OÜ became a gazelle company 2020!

Gaselli kongress 2020

Less than 1% of all Estonian enterprises annually receive the title of fast-growing company, i.e. Gazelles. For this, it is necessary that within three years the turnover and profits of the enterprise grow by more than 50%. Achieving such a result is not so simple.

The 20th TOP Gazelle will be released on February 14, 2020. On the eve of February 13, a Congress of gazelles will be held in the Kultuuri Katel. This is the largest meeting of fast-growing companies, specially prepared for the leaders of gazelle companies. Last year, more than 400 executives took part in this event.

Thanks were expressed by Äripäev, LHV and the TalTech School of Economics, who support the Gazelle Movement.

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