Certificates of conformity for fire protection can only be issued by accredited bodies!

Due to a change in the law and frequent cases of improper use of fire retardant and antifungal agents at facilities, (for example, the Pärnu stadium), where the low-quality products are offered and without the necessary documents, please be careful and request documents for products that are issued only by accredited bodies.
We remind you that from 01.01.2015 the European Law No 305/2011 came into force, which requires the issuance of certificates of conformity for fire retardant materials only by accredited organizations.
Based on the data of SA Eesti Akrediteerimiskeskus, there are no accredited organizations in Estonia for the certification of fire retardant materials in accordance with EN 13501.
In this regard, Holz Prof OÜ has certificates issued by BM TRADA (Latvia), GTC (Lithuania), VTT Finland (Finland) and agreed with the Fire Department of Estonia. Based on these certificates, Holz Prof OÜ issues a declaration (toimivusdeklaratsioon) for fire-retardant material.